Since 2015, CFAC has administered the statewide Double SNAP Dollars (DSD) Program, allowing Montanans who receive SNAP benefits to double their benefit dollars at participating farmers markets, farm stands, and grocery stores, increasing their access to fresh, local food.

The DSD program, has served over 12,000 Montanans and has recirculated over $1.5 million into Montana’s local food economy.

37 Sites now offer Double SNAP Dollars (DSD): 23 Farmers Markets, 1 CSA, 1 food box program, 2 farm stands, and 10 grocery stores.

A statewide network of 14 partner organizations, led by the Community Food and Agriculture Coalition (CFAC), guides the improvement of program efficiency and innovation for DSD across Montana.

The impacts of Double SNAP:


Nearly 50% of farms in Montana are small and less than 180 acres. Double SNAP Dollars helps these farms reach more customers. Double SNAP Dollars operates at 27 locations across 13 Montana counties, directly benefiting Montana farmers.


12,000 Montanans have benefited from the program since 2015. In a survey of 200 Double SNAP participants, over 95% reported consuming a greater amount of fresh fruits and vegetables as a result of the program. Improved access to nutrition means: 1) children are better learners, 2) seniors and people with disabilities have better health outcomes, and 3) reduced healthcare spending in Montana.

The Economy

SNAP is an effective economic stimulus, with each dollar generating between $1.50 and $1.80 in economic activity. Since 2015, $1 million has been spent on local foods through our SNAP and Double SNAP programs, representing an economic impact of up to $1.5 million.

Your gift goes a long way!


The Double SNAP Dollars Program is administered by the Community Food and Agriculture Coalition (CFAC).

You can reach program staff by:

Phone: (406) 926-1625
E-mail: [email protected]

Correspondence and/or Donations for the DSD program can be sent to:

Community Food and Agriculture Coalition (CFAC)
P.O. Box 7025
Missoula, MT 59807


Double SNAP Dollars (DSD) is successful because of the multitude of partners across the state of Montana that come together to implement the program. The Community Food and Agriculture Coalition (CFAC) is the main “hub” of the program and leads a robust and active network of the following partners who ensure the constant innovation and efficiency of the program: